AlexzWorld Interview With Alexz

You can find the original interview posted here. This interview was originally posted Dec. 5, 2009.

So let’s start with your album! Your album seems like it’s finally going to get out to the fans. Do you have any album titles in mind so far? Do you have an idea of when the record will be out?
The title was brought to life when we wrote the last song for the album – “Voodoo”. To me, it captures the essence of the album.

This is your first ever album and it’s been in the work for many years. What has been the biggest struggle you’ve had with the album? What about the best part about working on the album?
The biggest struggle was putting my last record with Epic to bed. I had to clear my thoughts and start fresh. Pull from my recent experiences and what I love about music now in my life.

What song do you feel that you put the most time and effort into? The song you’re most excited for your fans to hear?
That’s a good question… there’s a few.

“Look At Those Eyes” is a special song to me…this one was a tough one to create. But, I feel like songs like this have to wait to be understood.. It’s like a journey through the record. They all go together in a sense, yet are all their own little entities. To me, each song captures a different feeling and place.

What do you hope people will walk away with after listening to your new album?
Hope and a sense of something real and honest.

In an interview with Portrait Magazine, you talked about how “Boogie Love” (the song I’m most excited about hearing haha) “made you feel like we were in a classic Coca-cola commercial”. What do you mean by that?
It’s up beat and it’s fun! It kind of makes fun of itself.

So we’ve heard the clip of “L.A Made Me” on your site, is there any connection between the song and you as a person? Did L.A Make Alexz Johnson?

There’s always that fear, isn’t there?
The song is about defining your boundaries. I think it’s interesting when you see people making excuses for their behaviour and lack of integrity in this business. I think it’s important to understand where you are, and not change to please.

Can you give us an insight to Voodoo? What’s the story behind this song?
I think Voodoo is one of the more self-explanatory songs. The story is in the lyrics.

When I first heard Voodoo, I was walking around my house singing “You make me stop and wonder, what spell have I been under? What type of Voodoo that you do?”– Have you ever walked around and just randomly started singing your own songs?
All the time! I do it without even realizing.. I feel sorry for my friends, they must be so sick of my songs by now!

If you were to go through with the Epic album, which song would have been the single and why?
That’s a great question!

Hmm… I haven’t thought about that in a long while… I always visioned “Running With The Devil” being my first single.. Now, I’d be happy to release “Shout”.

Did you and Brendan write all the songs together?

Will there be a chance of bonus tracks available?
We may release something special for fun, after the fact.

You have fans all over the world; from Africa, the UK, South America, Brazil and so on. Do you have any plans to release the album wordwide?
That is definitely my intention.

Let’s talk about your single, “Trip Around the World”! It’s really a fun song that I can listen too while “rolling down shady lane”. How did the idea of this song come about? What made it an option for a single?
This song came already written. It rolled off our sleeves like water. We wrote it in just over an hour… some songs just seem to come that way. To me, this song also captures a voodoo vibe.. something soul about it, it’s a feel good song. People’s reaction to the song at first listen made it clear it’s a good candidate for a first single. It’s lighter than the other tracks and kind of an invitation to the depth of the album.

Michael Maxxis is the director you picked to shoot “Trip Around the World”. What made you pick him?
I like his simplicity. It’s hard to do simple well.. I’m a fan of his videos and think he will offer a darker shade to an already light song.

You had your fans help you pick your single! Your website has helped you interact with the fans more, do you feel that it’s been helpful so far having the site up? Has it allowed you to interact with the fans more?
Yes! I’m enjoying the website process.

Twitter has also been a great way for all sorts of fans to contact you and get contacted back, because you have tweeted a lot of people back. Most musicians and actresses totally ignore the fact that twitter is a great way to contact fans, but you’ve taken advantage of it. What’s it like to actually see what fans from all over the world say and say “thank you” to them or to even answer their questions?
It’s fun. I hope to get into the habit of using it more.

You worked with Epic for a while, any idea what’s going to happen with the 10 songs you recorded with them and the demos, such as “Wings of a Dove” and “Steal My Love”? Are you going to try to release them? Will we ever hear those songs?
It would be cool to hear other great artists performing them. We’ll see.

alexjacobwilson from Twitter wants to know why were you allowed to release the mastered version of “Shout” and not anything else from your epic album?
It was unintended. My brother’s e-mail was hacked a while ago and demo recordings that weren’t supposed to be leaked, were. It was really upsetting.

One song that I was really excited for from the Epic album was “Saving the Train”. What is that song about? Do you think we’ll ever get a chance to hear it?
That song is about survival. I promise you, you’ll hear those songs eventually!

Last year, Epic posted 5 songs on your myspace. Those songs were from your then-album, correct? How did you find out that Epic leaked half your album and what was your response to the whole thing?
At the time, I didn’t quite understand. Yet, the industry is changing so rapidly that leaks and myspace seem to help many artists. I was open to trusting my label’s decision.

Do you think what you have been through the past few years with both Capital and Epic has made you a stronger musician?

What was your favorite and least favorite part about being with two major labels? Do you feel more in control of your music, now as an indie artist?
I do. It’s really nice.

You worked on the popular Zoog Disney show–yes I’m going there–So Weird. How did you end up auditioning and getting the role of Annie? What was it like to work with Mackenzie Phillips and the rest of the cast? Can you recall your audition for Annie?
That was a fun show. I learned a lot. I recall being flown down to LA to screen test in front of producers and executives.

Now onto some random and fan submitted q’s!
So your birthday was just a few days ago, happy late birthday Alexz! Is there anything you do special on your birthdays? Do you still have birthday parties?
It was a nice birthday with close family and friends. I’m a big fan of Italian restaurants!

Have you gone through the comments of the Birthday Project by What was your response to the project?
I really loved it. Thank you all so much for putting that together… it was special.

I read in your Portrait Magazine interview that you like doing yoga. I just started taking Yoga in August and I love it! My favorite pose is Sunflower. What’s your favorite pose? Do you listen to music while you’re doing yoga and what kind of music?
I love the dancers pose! Hot yoga’s the best.

If you took a “Trip Around the World”, right now, and came back in one month, what would be the highlights of your trip?
Spain, Barcelona. India and Japan!

What do you look for in a guy–you have two options: smile or eyes?

Anzhelika asks: Do you like jazz? What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor? And lastly what’s your favorite perfume? — Guess she wants to smell like you?
I like Jazz – Chet baker, Billie Holiday, B.B King, Rickie Lee Jones is my all time favorite.
I love gelato – anything hazelnut, or almond caramel
I like grounded earthy perfume tones. Not a fan of citrus or anything that smells like cookies.

Have you ever walked down the street and was recognized by someone? If so, what was the experience like? Were you overjoyed or more scared?
It depends on how I feel that day. Sometimes it’s really lovely. Other times, I have a hard time with it and I wish I had a big turtle shell I could hide in.

Do you have any hidden talents we don’t know about–besides cooking?
Apparently I’m pretty good at impersonating people. I can always get a laugh out of re-enacting someone’s character quirks.

What was it like to be in Reefer Madness? Was that your first musical? Do you remember what songs you worked on for the movie?
It was so fun. Lots of dancing and the cast was really funny.

What was the most fun part about playing Erin in Final Destination 3 and would you like to pursue a similar role in the future?
At that time, the night shoots were really fun. Exhausting, but shooting nights for days on end felt bizarre and wonderful at the same time. I made friends with some of the cast and there was lots of music jam time.

Why did you end up taking the role of Laurie and Lia in Stranger With My Face? What was the biggest struggle of the role?
I liked the script. I was up for the challenge of playing 2 characters in the same movie. The struggle was going back and forth between characters in such short periods of time.

Would you rather be behind the camera or in front of the camera?
That’s a great question…

I’ve always had a strong pull toward being behind the camera. Yet, things seem to unfold as they should. I read somewhere that Scorpio’s make great backbones. Meaning, the people behind the show… maybe that’s why I feel that way? That being said, I really enjoy bringing what I can to any great projects.

Robbie at wants to know, “When you’re not writing or recording new music what do you do to relax?”
I go to movies, restaurants (I love tapas), yoga, reading… sometimes I try to just not move at all.. lol. I’m reading a really great book right now by Ann-Marie Macdonald called “The Way The Crow Flies”.

These are from our twitter followers:
Lizz_x_ asked us to ask you when you realized that you belonged in the music industry?
When I was around 14…

Cloe_Clo: If you had to choose one thing out everything (a person, an object, a concept, ANYTHING), what would it be?

BurnOutBrighter: What is a musical moments that defined you as an artist? Such as the first band, album, or song you heard or even a great musician you’ve met.
My first showcase with Bren in NY where we met Steve Lillywhite. Writing and recording in the same studio down the hall from Annie Lennox in London. String session with Paul Buckmaster.

KatieMT: What are your top 5 songs on your iPod/music device at the moment are? Also, she wants to know if you’ll make it to Toronto when you start touring?
I’ll make it to T.O!

Top 5 songs –
“Open Up” – Editors
“I And Love And You” – The Avett Brothers
“Alexandra Leaving” – Leonard Cohen
“Head Rolls Off” – Frightened Rabbit
“San Francisco” – Brett Dennen

xxbluemoonxx: What is a surprising fact about yourself?
I don’t care much about convention

xxbluemoonxx: What is your favorite lyric/quote and why?
The “Desiderata” is my favorite quote. I try to live my life by it’s example.

Haribo_Goldbaer: What is your favourite book/author? Is there a book you can read more than once?
Fall On Your Knees by Ann Marie Macdonald. I love John Irving, and I’m a new fan of Elizabeth Gilbert.

KatieMT: What book have you read recently?
I was a little late on the boat, but Eat Pray Love

Lastly, do you have anything you’d like to say to your fans?
I want to let you know how appreciative I am to have you with me on this journey and through this process. I’m desperately excited to give back all of your passion in everything I do and always will.


This entry was posted on Monday, January 5th, 2009 at 5:30 pm and is filed under Alexz Johnson, Movies, Music, News, Television. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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