Join Alexz’s New Patreon!

Alexz has just launched her new Patreon account!

She will let us in her process of creating albums, and let us in a little deeper on who she is and where all her creativity comes from. There are Team Alexz and Team Alexz VIP tiers you can sign up for.

There will also be a Livestream and Q+A on July 31!

Click here to see her Patreon page!

“Still Alive” Album Released Today!

The day is finally here! Alexz’s new album Still Alive has released!

Go here to buy a physical copy.

Go here to buy a digital copy.

“Still Alive” Released!

The day has finally come! “Still Alive” is released! Click here to get the song!

“Still Alive” Drops March 6th!

Alexz is releasing a new single on March 6, 2020 called “Still Alive”! Stay tuned for more details!

“Golden” Released!

Alexz has released her new single “Golden”!