Birthday Project
It’s that time of year! I have already begun work on Alexz’s birthday site but now I need your help to fill it out with birthday wishes for her! I’ve done this for a few years already so some of you may already know the drill. You can email me your birthday wishes for Alexz at [birthday @] and I’ll add them to the site. For those who are unsure what’s next continue reading.
Generally I get birthday wishes sent to Alexz in 3 different ways. In a Message, a Video, or a Graphic. You can do just one of those or all three. It doesn’t matter to me, I’ll add them all. On November 4th I’ll unveil the finished product to all of you and tweet/email the URL to Alexz so she can see it. 🙂
I need to know how you would like to be credited in your birthday message. Alexz needs to know who it’s from right? 🙂 If I only have your email address I’ll use that. Make sure you tell me how you want to credited. It might be your Twitter screen name, Youtube account, email address, or anything you prefer. It will be linked with your birthday wish to her.
Messages: These can be as short or as long as you want. I’ve gotten very short wishes to very long ones. In the interest of keeping the integrity and intent of the birthday wish intact I don’t usually correct for typos or grammar. I’d feel like I’d be messing with the intent of the message. So please, check for typos and other errors before sending. I usually post them as is.
Videos: Youtube is the best site for this. When you upload your video MAKE SURE you set it to Unlisted. There is no time limit on these. They can be as long or as short as you want them to be. If you have a video entry send me the URL for the video so I can use the Embed feature to add it to the website.
Graphics: There is no size limit on the graphics, they will, however, be resized so that they can fit within the website without stretching the page. Once resized they’ll be linked to the full graphic. These can be sent as attachments, but if that is not possible due to the imge being too large, uploading it to a free image website and linking to that should work. There’s always a way. I’ll work with you to figure out a way to get it so I can add it to the website.
Submissions: Email [birthday @]
Deadline: You have until Friday, November 1st, to submit.
Be creative! Have fun with this! Her birthday only comes once a year so let’s make it a memorable day for her! 🙂