Alexz Posts Her Thoughts On House of Bodies –AlexzHasABlog

It’s been an interesting week since the release of “House of Bodies” to Netflix. Alexz posted her thoughts about it on her blog tonight. I hope we get to see the Director’s vision in a true Final Cut of the film one day.


House Of Bodies, my personal thoughts.

I thought it would be appropriate for me to post my thoughts and feelings on the recent Netflix release of House Of Bodies, here on my personal blog. This won’t be long.

As some of you may know, I am a key character in the film. The abrupt release being on Netflix surprised me as much as the Director, Alex Merkin. I had not seen, or even been privy to an edit of the film, nor had any of the actors for that matter.

It saddens me that so much talent, passion and hard work lead to such a poor edit of our film. An edit that doesn’t lend itself to the script at all. An edit that we never would have signed up to be involved in. It’s embarrassing, and diminishes the craft.

This film came into my life at a time that was completely kismet. I had just moved to NYC and needed something of substance to lock down my visa so I could continue to perform, tour, record and persue my music in the US.

In the end, fear based thinking and money seems to win the race when working amongst companies that treat the creative process like a manufacturing house.

There really isn’t much of a lesson to be learned in these situations.. maybe an understanding of the inundation of fear-based thinking in the film industry. Regardless, I am so proud of the cast and crew involved in this film — it was so much fun spending time and falling in love with our characters… Alex Merkin was a kick ass director who gave so much freedom to express, screw up and grow. – Thank you, everyone. x

If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.

– Woody Allen

This entry was posted on Sunday, April 21st, 2013 at 9:53 pm and is filed under Movies, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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