Interview with Alexz Johnson

This interview was originally conducted and published here. Re-credit if you use it to that author and website:


This interview was yours, as much as it was mine…
Thanks to Alexz for answering all the questions, even if there was a lot.
The wait was long, and she apologizes for that. She has just finished the vocals for her album.
I would like to know what you think about this interview, and I hope you’ll like it !

1) Music :

For you, what is the music? What do you think it represents for people?
I feel my music represents who I am, how I feel and what I experience. That’s why music is forever growing and changing. For me, it’s a connection between people’s journey’s and life experiences.

Do you consider yourself as a creative artist?
I do. Creating a new sound and expression has always been the best part of writing for me.

When did you know that you were born to do this? What makes you say “Music is my life”?
I knew I wanted to share music with people around the age of 14.. I was singing at a young age, but when I started writing melodies and lyrics, I found this way to communicate in a really powerful way. It seemed to move people and that was the best feeling in the world.

What are your favorite songs right now? (Top 5)
Coldplay – Strawberry Swing
Glasvegas – Daddy’s Gone
Regina Spektor – Laughing With
The National – Slow Show
Santogold – L.E.S. Artistes

You said you like Coldplay. What do you like in their music ? What is your favorite song on their album ?
I find Coldplay an epic band. They’re songs are rhythmically powerful, they’re never trendy and they have their own cohesive sound. I like a lot of their songs, right now I really like Strawberry Swing and Warning Sign.

2) Solo Album :

What is the title of your album and why?
I won’t know until the spirit moves me.

What does this album represent for you?
Hope that people are still able to receive healing and truth in the worst of times.

Out of all the songs on your album, which one is your favorite? The one that is the closest to your heart ?
That’s a tough question….. LA Made Me has been my journey so far. Voodoo hits my soul.. Hurricane Girl is who I am… I don’t know. They all reflect different times in my life.

Can you explain the meaning of the songs leaked on your Myspace ?
I’m not sure which songs leaked, there was no intent.

Are any of the songs on your album from a personal experience, or self-inspired ? If so, which ones? If not, are they results from observation of other people ?
All my songs are personally inspired by my, or close loved ones experiences.

Since you write so many songs, how do you decide which ones will make the record ?
That’s always tough – it becomes a corporate decision at the end of the day. My job is to deliver songs I love, so no matter what is picked I’m a happy camper.

How long does it take to work on one song ? (writing, recording, producing, mixing… the whole process)
Each song has it’s own birth… I swear some songs are written in a minute, like “A Little Bit”, others are cooked and simmered and stewed… It can take months so finalize certain songs.

Any interesting stories to tell about recording the album?
There’s tons, but most of them wouldn’t be interesting for readers…
Tears, collaboration, battles, emotions, love, life… all of the above..

If your music could inspire any emotion to your listeners, what would you want them to feel ?
Every song has it’s own feeling.. I’d hope it would bring back positive memories, or bring pain to the surface, or just have a kick-ass beat that makes people happy to listen.

When is the album coming out ? Why is the release taking so long ? What about your struggles to release it ?
I was signed with Capitol – they got sold. I was signed to Epic last year, they changed head of artist and repertoire. My album will be out by Fall.

Do you think it was worth the wait ?
That’s up to my fans. I hope so. As so much has been out of my control, it’s been a really long wait. It’s painful. I’m grateful to those who hang on and believe in my music.

3)Career :

Did you ever think you would be where you are right now 8 years ago ?
Not at all. Life’s such a journey that way.

Which of the characters you played is the more like you : Jude (if so, in which season), Imra, Dominique, Laurie or Lia ?
Jude! The music ties us in.

Why do you like to make thriller and horror movies (Final Destination, Devil’s Diary, Stranger With My Face….) ?
I like challenging myself with edgy darker roles if I can.

What are your plans for afterwards ?
After the album’s finished? I want to go on tour!

You have fans in many countries : the USA, Germany, Australia, Latin America, Poland, Italy, France… Is there a place in the world you really want to go ?
I want to visit them all!!

Would you like to go on tour in France, or to make a concert ?
I would love to do a tour in Europe. A lot of my musical influences have been from the UK and I feel like my music would be well received over there.

If you get the chance to tour, would you prefer people sitting around just relaxing to the music or a full blown “The Music” performance?
I like full-blown! It depends on the song I’m performing though. I’ve never really thought of the music I write as being folky, or acoustic based, but playing my songs stripped down would be just as cool for me.

If you were ever given the chance to reprise your role as Annie Thelen in So Weird, would you ?
That was then, this is now. lol

You were lately in a Smallville episode. What do you think of Imra’s character ?
I think she’s a comic book character. A super-hero! I think there’s a bit of super-hero in all of us. It was fun being on Smallville.

We know your musical influences. What are your cinematic influences, as you shoot a lot too ?
Jules and Jim
The Outsiders
Casablanca – Ingrid Bergman!
Annie Hall – Diane Keaton!
Moonstruck – Cher!
I’m also a fan of classic Winona Ryder, Juliette Binoche, Daniel Day-Lewis

What is the most memorable moment of your career so far?
There’s been a few…
Reading for “Freaky Friday” and acting scenes with Annette Bening who would have possibly played my Mom if I landed the role
Doing my first showcase with my brother Bren in NY
Performing with David Foster
Strings at Capitol Records Studios w/Paul Buckmaster
Steve Lillywhite seeing me live and commenting on my music!

4)Instant Star :

If there had been a season 5, what would you like to have seen for each of the characters ?
G Major closing down and Jamie taking over the space with his indie label!
Sadie getting married?
Tommy producing for Jamie!
Jude continuing to make music, performing and co-producing
Karma doing a feature film/musical! lol

What is your best memory on the set ? And the funniest moment ?
There’s so many…
I was always laughing. Kris is so funny he could make my tummy hurt. Some of the best memories were being on stage with SME. Filming concerts on location were always a blast.

Are you still in contact with your partners of Instant Star ?
I try to keep in touch!

What is you favorite song in the show ?
That’s tough – a tie between Skin and Where Does It Hurt (Which I didn’t co-write)

Did you keep Jude’s star ring ?
I’ve still got it!

What do you like in Jude ? What don’t you like ?
There’s not much I dislike about Jude… at times she could be a little more patient! She’s eager and wants to be heard but I respect her drive and belief in her music.

Which character or scene did you hate the most ?
I haven’t hated any characters I’ve played. Which scene did I dislike filming the most? I’d probably have to say filming all night shoots or filming summer scenes on a FREEZING cold day in Toronto! Even then, it’s still fun..

If you could change anything in the TV-show, what would it be ? (story, music, characters…)
I wouldn’t change anything. I think it all worked out pretty well.

What was it like to do the final performance scene of Instant Star?
Bitter-sweet, sad.. You don’t realize until after the fact…

5)Stranger With My Face :

What can you tell us about Stranger With My Face ?
It was a pretty complex shoot. I really liked the script and was up for a challenge!

How was it to play twin sisters ?
It was emotionally demanding at times. I would have to jump back and forth between characters that we’re completely bipolar opposites. Lia is damaged and dangerous. Luckily, they had a great stand-in who I was able to act with and bounce ideas off of while shooting.

What was the most challenging part in filming Stranger With My Face ? Is there a scene which was funnier or more difficult to shoot ?
A lot of the scenes in Stranger were intense. There’s a scene at the cliffs that was challenging, and a lot of the one on one scenes with “myself” were as well.

Did you read the book before auditioning for the leading role of the film, or before shooting ? If you read it, what did you think about it ?
I heard the script was based on a book. I looked for it but had no luck finding it. I haven’t read it yet, but would like too!

Are Laurie and Lia very different from each other ?
Completely different – Laurie’s a matriarch and has a strong heart, Lia’s pretty sick and dysfunctional

In the movie, you filmed with Andrew Francis, who was your partner in Devil’s Diary. How was it to be on set with him again ?
I’m a HUGE fan of Andrew Francis. He’s awesome to work with and makes my eyes water he’s so funny. Andrew’s going to be hugely successful..

And, to conclude : what did you think about this interview ? What was your favorite question ? 🙂
Lol… Ummm… I liked the questions about why I make music and what I love about creating.. I also love how detailed they were 🙂


This entry was posted on Sunday, July 19th, 2009 at 11:31 pm and is filed under Alexz Johnson, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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