Posts Tagged ‘Demo Castellon’

The Re-Invention of Alexz Johnson — Canadian Hairdresser Article

Thanks to Alanna Memme for making me aware of this article! 🙂 You can read the article at their website at Go to the June issue then to pages 40-41. I’ve transcribed the article in full below. Source One year after the release of her debut album Voodoo, singer/songwriter Alexz Johnson is back! This […]

Alexz Interview with Demo on ETCanada

This is great little interview about Reloaded with Alexz and Demo Castellon. My favorite part: “She is the real deal.” 🙂

Alexz On CP24 Promoting Reloaded

This morning Alexz went on CP24 to promote Reloaded. She was interviewed with Demo Castellon, the man who helped Reloaded happen.

2010 Year in Review: A Trip To Boogie Love

We started 2010 with the filming of Trip Around The World in New Orleans, Louisiana. This video was directed by Michael Maxxis and shot over two days, January 12 and 13, in the historical area of the city as well as near the college. The single was released February 2nd in Canada. The filming of […]

Update on Voodoo Reloaded From The Demolition Crew

This is fantastic news! 10 songs of the 11 are finished! Voodoo Reloaded will soon be done and in our hands! We’re close guys! Hang in there!