Posts Tagged ‘Demo Castellon’

Small Voodoo Reloaded Update

We know we’re close. Nervousness about how the remixes sound seems to be pretty normal around Alexz’s fan community on Twitter. Today she posted these which will hopefully ease some nerves about how much the tracks have changed on Voodoo Reloaded. We know we’re close to the album being done, but how close?

New Email From Alexz About Voodoo Reloaded and Tour

First, if you’re not getting her emails sign up at 🙂 I’m getting the vibe from twitter and the website that you guys are curious to hear some info about the new tracks from Voodoo Reloaded. Demo is taking his time to get everything right; all I can really say at this moment is […]

Voodoo Reloaded Update From Demo Castellon

This is a small update, but it tells exactly where things are right now with Voodoo Reloaded. @DemolitionCrew #VoodooReloaded update…. 7 ideas down… 1 in the process… 1 conceptualized… @MikeAnthonyTDC hard at work in the basement.. Twitter post Also of note, notice how he posted “#VoodooReloaded”. When we promote the re-release on Twitter we’re also […]

Alexz is Recording NEW Vocals With Demo Castellon

As work on Voodoo Reloaded continues on Alexz tweeted today she was going to record new vocals to a track. We don’t know what track yet, but do know Demo Castellon has finished 6 of the 11 Voodoo tracks at the time of this posting. We also know the finished tracks are NOT L.A. Made […]

Voodoo Reloaded?

Demo Castellon recently replied to us on Twitter saying this about the Voodoo remix album: DemolitionCrew @robbyfischer Its Voodoo Reloaded buddy! Twitter post We know several tracks are finished but he’s working through the remaining ones hoping for a Fall release.