Archive for the ‘Guest Writers’ Category

Voodoo Album Review, Written by Airick Kehela

Voodoo The introductory track to Alexz Johnson’s long awaited album, Voodoo, Succeeded at giving the listener a front seat to the world of Alexz’s vibe, and truth-bound inspired lyrics. Like those of Chicago, Rent, and recent -Runaways, this album shows promise of being the next rock-opera/musical inspired motion picture film. Through her eclectic-jazzy-electro-symphonic-pop-rock influenced music, […]

Pictures From Alexz At The Rivoli

These are pictures taken by our new Guest Writer KatieMT when she was there. These are stored offsite at Imagevenue. You can read her full story of the night here. These pictures are used with the explicit permission from the owner and are not to be taken without permission. –KatieMT

Alexz Live at the Rivoli

Meeting Alexz Johnson at the Rivoli. Where do I even begin? It was all so incredible! I guess the best place to start is at the very beginning. I first found out about Alexz being live at the Rivoli when Stephen Stohn first posted it on his Twitter. But being the idiot I was, for […]

“Meet The Johnsons” Video

Alexz and Brendan posted a new video/interview on their official website Here is the video:

Upcoming Birthday Project For Alexz Johnson

Very soon, I will be posting a video asking any who are interested to please submit art, letters (preferably short) aswell as videos and artwork (if possible). I would love to create a video of Alexz fans faces and work, wishing her a happy birthday, although the video is not posted as of yet, it […]